Definition of Smart aleck

1. Noun. An upstart who makes conceited, sardonic, insolent comments.

Exact synonyms: Weisenheimer, Wise Guy, Wiseacre, Wisenheimer
Generic synonyms: Upstart

Definition of Smart aleck

1. Noun. One who is given to obnoxious or insolent humor; a wise guy. ¹

2. Noun. One who is pretentious about their own cleverness or knowledge; a know-it-all. ¹

3. Noun. One who is obnoxiously self-assured; a show off. ¹

4. Noun. (rare) A well-dressed person. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Smart Aleck

smart alec
smart aleck
smart alecks
smart arse
smart as a whip
smart bomb
smart card
smart cards
smart casual
smart chance
smart cookie
smart cookies
smart dust
smart money

Literary usage of Smart aleck

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Speaker's Garland: Comprising 100 Choice Selections by Phineas Garrett (1897)
"A. smart aleck, an impecunious playwright who ll desirous of organizing an ... Good morning to yez, Misther A. smart aleck ; can I have a word wid yez ? MR. ..."

2. Our Short Story Writers by Blanche Colton Williams (1920)
"Blacker Than Sin and The smart aleck have Southern settings and characters. ... humorous story in the whole lot is The smart aleck. ..."

3. Our Short Story Writers by Blanche Colton Williams (1920)
"Blacker Than Sin and The smart aleck have Southern settings ... humorous story in the whole lot is The smart aleck. The first-mentioned three of New York ..."

4. The Logic of Socialism by August Claessens (1921)
"Mr. smart aleck never considers these facts. He does not see the insanity of our industrial ... And smart Aleck seems to stand the strain with immunity. ..."

5. Kentucky Politicians: Sketches of Representative Corncrackers and Other by John J. McAfee (1886)
"Before this person the pretensions of the Smart THE smart aleck. ^leck sink into oblivion, and his impressions, if any are ever made by him, strand on some ..."

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